10 Laser treatment Myths Busted

Laser hair removal nyc
Since ages for women who live been searching for painless and permanent traditional hair removal solutions. They tried almost anything from shaving razors to plucking, threading and waxing, but none of which offered a permanent solution. Should you be also not happy with one of these traditional traditional hair removal techniques, laser hair removal will be worth considering. A modern study has demonstrated that Laser treatment is among the most often sought cosmetic procedures around the globe.

Despite continuous increase in availability of laser treatments, there are lots of myths encompassing the method that also prevent a great deal of candidates from choosing laser skin treatment. If you're also confused regardless of whether you should pick the procedure or not, simply because your friend says it is not safe, or the friend or maybe your friend has had a burnt skin, or a relative you have claims it's a very costly procedure and also you cannot afford it, read on and you'll end up altering your mind about Laser treatment.

Here are a few common myths and supreme facts about Laser treatment:

Myth Number 1: The Lasers May damage Your Organs

Fact: It really is only propaganda! The laser light can't move pass a set limit, not to mention heat in the laser. Lasers employed for traditional hair removal purpose can penetrate up to quarter mm only in your skin, then how do it get to the organs. Laser Hair Removal is an extremely safe method that has become licensed by the US Fda (FDA). Any unwanted effects experienced are temporary and subside within their own inside a few days.

Myth # 2: The Procedure Is Extremely Painful

Fact: Most sufferers experience mild to moderate pain and discomfort since the laser beams are made incident on the skin, nevertheless the discomfort is extremely bearable. Burning sensations at the treated areas are also reported through the patients nevertheless it is also bearable and not out of patients' pain threshold. Most people compare these sensations with snapping of the rubber band of the skin. If you've been into waxing and tweezing, remember that you can find laser treatment an almost painless procedure. Still, when you have a low pain threshold, your surgeon may perform procedure after numbing the treatment area with topical anesthetic.

Myth # 3: Lasers Aren't effective On Dark Skin and Light Hair

Fact: Initially lasers were not recommended to the people with dark skin, because they were at the chance of skin burns. Though advancements in technology, now we have lasers that actually work very well on people with dark skin and light hair. Some newer lasers also treat people with light skin and hair. Thus, there won't be any constraints in Laser Hair Removal anymore. People who have dark skin light hair also can take advantage of the outstanding outcomes of lasers.

Myth Four: The process Only Conditions Face

Fact: Lasers works extremely well on almost any section of the body, from face to chest and back to arms or legs. Mostly treated facial areas include chin and upper lips. On body, you can effectively use lasers to remove unwanted hair from neck, hands, feet, arms, legs, chest, back, abdomen and thighs. Under arms and bikini areas are some of the most commonly treated areas. The sole limitation about lasers is they are not recommended for treatments near the eyes, as possible dangerous.

Myth Number 5: Everybody Has got the Same Results

Fact: Again a myth or propaganda of providers. Results of hair laser removal vary greatly in one person to a different based on skin color and also the color, type and texture of the hair you would like to get removed. Light colored hairs respond minimal to lasers. Conversely, thick and coarse dark hairs might be best addressed with lasers while they absorb maximum heat energy transmitted by lasers. Having it . dark hair and light skin is considered as a perfect candidate for laser treatments.

Myth # 6: Hair laser removal Is usually recommended When pregnant

Fact: In pregnancy levels of estrogen increase in women's body and so they experience increased new hair growth. This leaves them wondering when they can undergo hair laser removal or otherwise. As there is no proven evidence that laser hair removal just isn't best for pregnant women, results of lasers on baby continue to be unknown. This is why doctors recommend expecting mothers to hang about until childbirth.

Myth# 7: Lasers Might cause Cancer of the skin

Fact: That is another baseless, overrated myth about lasers. Spoken about above, lasers are incredibly safe and have got FDA's approval. There isn't any study that can link laser treatment with melanoma.

Myth # 8: Only a Single Laser Session Is sufficient

Fact: Like all other non-invasive cosmetic procedures, hair laser removal also needs multiple sessions to obtain desired results. Normally 3 to 4 sessions are expected for permanent laser hair removal. However can vary significantly individually dependant on the colour and texture of hair. Dark, coarse hair needs fewer sessions than light colored, fine hair.

Myth # 9: Outcomes of Hair laser removal Are Permanent

Fact: This is perhaps the biggest myth all around the treatment. Lasers don't remove hair permanently; the truth is they reduce hair growth. There is however possibility that hair may grow after the treatment, nevertheless they will likely be fine and thin. Most patients also need treatments to keep results but they're not very frequent. Two sessions in a year are sufficient to take care of the outcomes.

Myth # 10: It Is an Expensive Procedure

Fact: Laser treatments is a little expensive although not for the extent make fish an person with average skills simply can't afford it. Furthermore, tariff of treatment varies significantly in one individual to individual and derived from one of provider to a different. With advances in technology, the treatment has grown to be less costly and accessible. In fact the process helps you to save time and money, since it is not only a lifetime procedure like waxing and threading.